Den Chief Training - LIVE
You can take the on-line training anytime (see button at right) OR come to Roundtable and get trained by a real person!
Thursday, November 2, 2017 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. LDS Stake Center (Roundtable) No Fee Items to Bring: 1. Notebook - 3 ring binder type + pen/pencil 2. Wear your complete Scout uniform 3. Bring a favorite song or easy gathering game to share 4. Den Chief Handbook (also available at training for $7.00) What is a Den Chief?
A Den Chief is an older scout* who assists a Cub Scout or Webelos Scout den leader at den meetings, pack meetings, and other events. He is the “Activities Assistant” for a Cub Scout den or Webelos Scout patrol. His role is to work with the den leaders and help the scouts complete their Cub Scout or Webelos Scout advancement requirements and live up to Cub Scouting's ideals in their everyday lives. The den chief is a member of a leadership team that includes the den leader, assistant den leader, and the denner. He is already what every Cub Scout and Webelos Scout would like to be – a Boy Scout. As far as the younger boys are concerned, he is the person they would most like to follow, and that makes the older scout a natural leader for them. * A den chief can be an older male from a Boy Scout Troop, Venture Crew or Varsity Team or an older female youth from a Venture Crew. To simplify material presentation the information in this handout refers to the den chief as specifically being a male. |
Den Chief Fast Start Online Training