The District leadership team revisits Roundtable every year to make it better and certainly better attended. This year the change is bigger than anything, and it starts with my personal foot story.
I was having some increasing foot pain that was weird, since it would be bad in the morning or after sitting, but then go away. It worsened to the point that I did the old lady shuffle in the morning and was hoping it wasn't just old age. I saw the doctor and learned it is plantar fascitiis and just about everybody gets it between 40-70. It can be very hard to get rid of. I feel like I missed a memo somehow about this very common but really debilitating foot problem. Why didn't I know anything about it before this and how is this relevant to Roundtable?
I was sharing with a fellow Scouter my foot woes and they said, oh yea, I have that too. Then I talked to three other Scouters who also had it. This is what sparked the idea for a new approach to Roundtable. We are going to bring information to Roundtable that will be helpful to you not just as a leader but as an active person here in Montana. Starting with "The Functional Foot and It's Care" by Physical Therapist Chad Yoakam in October, and continuing with other people both in and out of our Scouting Community with practical and interesting information that you will not want to miss. We hope Roundtable will become your favorite meeting of the month!
Another big change and that is that instead of two meetings every month (Roundtable and District Committee Meeting), we will only have one meeting with sub-committees scheduling their own meetings as needed. The best way to get the full experience of these changes is to come to a Roundtable and feel the difference, connect with fellow Scouters, and go away from each meeting having learned something new.
Betsy Eubanks
MVD Training and Communications
I was having some increasing foot pain that was weird, since it would be bad in the morning or after sitting, but then go away. It worsened to the point that I did the old lady shuffle in the morning and was hoping it wasn't just old age. I saw the doctor and learned it is plantar fascitiis and just about everybody gets it between 40-70. It can be very hard to get rid of. I feel like I missed a memo somehow about this very common but really debilitating foot problem. Why didn't I know anything about it before this and how is this relevant to Roundtable?
I was sharing with a fellow Scouter my foot woes and they said, oh yea, I have that too. Then I talked to three other Scouters who also had it. This is what sparked the idea for a new approach to Roundtable. We are going to bring information to Roundtable that will be helpful to you not just as a leader but as an active person here in Montana. Starting with "The Functional Foot and It's Care" by Physical Therapist Chad Yoakam in October, and continuing with other people both in and out of our Scouting Community with practical and interesting information that you will not want to miss. We hope Roundtable will become your favorite meeting of the month!
Another big change and that is that instead of two meetings every month (Roundtable and District Committee Meeting), we will only have one meeting with sub-committees scheduling their own meetings as needed. The best way to get the full experience of these changes is to come to a Roundtable and feel the difference, connect with fellow Scouters, and go away from each meeting having learned something new.
Betsy Eubanks
MVD Training and Communications