2016 Mountain Valley District Pinewood Derby
Cub Scouts remember their Pinewood Derby experiences long after they finish Scouting. Take this great opportunity to build skills, learn to compete, and do it all with a smile and cheerful attitude.
Pinewood Derby Details
Place: Ridgeview Elementary School in Belgrade
Date: Saturday, April 2 2016
Time: Check-In: 9:00 A.M.
Race Schedule: Start at 11:00 A.M. (Race time and check-in time may vary.)
Come race on a super-fast track as you show your fellow district Cub Scouts how awesome your Pinewood Derby car is! The first 50 Scouts to register for the race receive one of the limited edition Tribal Pinewood Derby Racer patches! Be sure to register today!
Rules: Official Rules can be found on the MVD Website, but highlights are below:
Race Schedule:
We will start racing promptly at 11am!! Check-in must be completed by 10:30am to be considered for the race. Our goal is to race each car as much as possible -- each car will race at least one heat in each lane. Depending on registrations, we will look to have heats for Tigers, Wolves, Bears, and Webelos, with the fastest cars racing again in a Grand Finals!!
Please pre-register your racer on the Mountain Valley Website (Registration below). Your early registration helps ensure everything is ready for our awesome derby! And don't forget the limited edition patch for the first 50 Scouts!
We need your help!! This is a volunteer event and we need help to make it run efficiently! We need volunteers for:
Please e-mail Paul Rodgers at [email protected] if you can help. We need you!
Pinewood Derby Details
Place: Ridgeview Elementary School in Belgrade
Date: Saturday, April 2 2016
Time: Check-In: 9:00 A.M.
- Open to all Cub Scouts in the Mountain Valley District!
- Open class open to all (No matter your age: Boy Scouts, Venture Scouts, Parents, Everybody Welcome)
- Open class and Cub Scouts will follow the same MVD derby rules for 2016
Race Schedule: Start at 11:00 A.M. (Race time and check-in time may vary.)
Come race on a super-fast track as you show your fellow district Cub Scouts how awesome your Pinewood Derby car is! The first 50 Scouts to register for the race receive one of the limited edition Tribal Pinewood Derby Racer patches! Be sure to register today!
- 1st thru 5th Place for Cub Scout
- 1st Place for Open Class
- Best Scout Theme
- Cub Scout Choice Award
Rules: Official Rules can be found on the MVD Website, but highlights are below:
- Car can weigh no more than 5 ounces
- The wheels supplied with the kit must be used. The wheels may not be cut, drilled, beveled or rounded.
- The axles must be positioned so that the axles of the front wheel pair are in the same horizontal and vertical plane; same for the rear wheel pair. Axles should not be deliberately bent at an angle. All four wheels must make contact with a flat surface when the car is at rest.
- Officials decisions are final!
Race Schedule:
We will start racing promptly at 11am!! Check-in must be completed by 10:30am to be considered for the race. Our goal is to race each car as much as possible -- each car will race at least one heat in each lane. Depending on registrations, we will look to have heats for Tigers, Wolves, Bears, and Webelos, with the fastest cars racing again in a Grand Finals!!
Please pre-register your racer on the Mountain Valley Website (Registration below). Your early registration helps ensure everything is ready for our awesome derby! And don't forget the limited edition patch for the first 50 Scouts!
We need your help!! This is a volunteer event and we need help to make it run efficiently! We need volunteers for:
- Track Setup
- Track Teardown and Cleanup
- Car Runners
- Concessions Vendors
- Some Hot Wheels and a couple of road mats for the kids to play
- Some coloring pages so all kids can color their favorite Pinewood Derby racecar
Please e-mail Paul Rodgers at [email protected] if you can help. We need you!